

Unlock a world of language mastery, rewards, and exciting learning journeys for your kid. Introducing Drops – where language learning comes to life.

Prickly Bear: The Kid Store

Prickly Bear, the trailblazing Kid Store, ignites children’s passion for learning through captivating games and rewards. With over 500,000 downloads, it’s proven to be a pioneer in motivating kids to learn on screens with the rewards they love. From mastering times tables to exploring healthy eating, Prickly Bear transforms learning into an engaging adventure.

Language Learning Reimagined

Drops, the leading gamified-language learning app, empowers kids to learn over 45 languages in an interactive and enjoyable way. Making it an invaluable tool for parents seeking to instil language proficiency in their kids, be it for academic requirements, linguistic development, or embracing their cultural heritage.

By teaming up with Prickly Bear, Drops aims to harness the power of rewards, and revolutionise the entire learning landscape and redefine how kids engage with screens.

Drops benefits at a glance…

Motivated Kids

Motivate kids with exciting rewards like Robux to make learning engaging and fun.

Gamified Learning

Dive into interactive games and captivating challenges that transform learning into a thrilling adventure.

Language Mastery

Our neuroscientific approach taps into the power of rewards to boost motivation and enhance learning outcomes.

Exciting Rewards

From in-game currencies like Robux to toys, electronics and experiences, your kid can buy whatever they like.

Learn & Earn

With Prickly Bear’s innovative Learn & Earn model, your kid’s learning efforts are rewarded.

Affordable Price

All these benefits are included in the Prickly Bear annual subscription at £7.50 per month.

Motivated Kids

Motivate kids with exciting rewards like Robux to make learning engaging and fun.

Gamified Learning

Dive into interactive games and captivating challenges that transform learning into a thrilling adventure.

Language Mastery

Our neuroscientific approach taps into the power of rewards to boost motivation and enhance learning outcomes.

Exciting Rewards

From in-game currencies like Robux to toys, electronics and experiences, your kid can buy whatever they like.

Learn & Earn

With Prickly Bear’s innovative Learn & Earn model, your kid’s learning efforts are rewarded.

Affordable Price

All these benefits are included in the Prickly Bear annual subscription at £7.50 per month.

The Power of Rewards

We believe in making learning irresistible. With Drops, your kid not only gains access to unlimited language learning but also earns rewards along the way. From game currencies to customisations, their hard work is celebrated!

Get started today

Join us in revolutionising how kids engage with screens and learn. With Drops, your kid’s education goes beyond boundaries, and language learning becomes an exciting journey.

Get Started